Monday, January 4, 2010

New You Resolution

I'm going to be honest...I've never gotten the whole, "oh my gosh, this is so exciting, it is a new year" thing. I don't really do New Year's Eve. Call me boring, it's just not my thing. Don't get me wrong, we had a friend and his kids over for New Year's Eve to eat pizza, drink a few beers and play the Wii, but it didn't feel any different than a Friday night play date.

It is no secret that 2009 was not a stellar year for me. It definitely threw me some curve balls and presented me with some challenges. I'm still standing, though, so I guess it wasn't all bad. Going into this new year, I of course have hopes and goals and things to look forward to. This being said, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions.

For those of you who do, let me ask you, what difference does the date make? Why does it take a new calendar for you to commit to yourself? You deserve to know that every day you wake up, you have the ability to change yourself, improve your life and move forward. You don't need a ball to drop in Times Square to be worthy of putting yourself first and focusing on what matters most.

If you want a resolution, why not resolve to continually improve your evaluate and prioritize EVERY day. Go ahead and go to the gym, or quit smoking, or improve your diet, or whatever you decided you would do in 2010. But don't sell yourself short, you are capable of doing great things in your life EVERY DAY!

Don't just make a New Year's resolution that fades as we move further away from January 1, make a New You resolution. You really are worth it!!!!!

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