Thursday, November 19, 2009

Loving the Sunshine

I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but Pittsburgh has had the most beautiful fall I can ever remember. The sun has been shining, the temperature has been has been amazing. I've needed the sunshine. It is a good pick-me-up, and a great reminder that no matter what is happening in my life, life will continue, that there are so many wonderful things happening around me, and that God hasn't forgotten me.

And, since the shining sun has proven yet again that life goes on, I am ready to pick myself up, dust myself off and attack the challenges that face me. The thing is, in life, we can't always change what issues we need to deal with. We don't have a choice in a lot of the obstacles thrown at us. That can be a very hard reality to face, because we all want to be the ones controlling where our lives will go. What we do get to decide, though, is how we carry ourselves and how we approach the tough times.

I wish I could say I am always as positive as I strive to I encourage others to be...but I'm not. Sometimes I need somebody telling ME it will all be okay. Sometimes I want to be the one to fall apart. It is alright to have the moments, as long as we don't let ourselves get lost in that self pity. It is very easy to drown in our own tears, and that is why you have to hold your head up high.

Today, I choose to not let my problems dictate the kind of day I will have. Today, I choose to not let my worries change the kind of mom I am to my awesome kids. Today, I choose to be my own sunshine.

Here is a quote to keep you looking up!

"May you never miss a rainbow or a sunset because you're looking down." Author Unknown

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