Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gated Houses, Open Hearts

A couple of days ago the kids and I jumped in the soccer-mom-mini van and headed out to fill up the gas tank then the grocery store to fill up the fridge. On our gas detour, we were stuck at a red light on a street we don't frequent. Next to the car was a large house with a gate in the drive way and a beware of dog sign. My oldest daughter, Presley, asked me why they had the gate and sign. I explained to her it was to keep unwanted people out. I explained that sometimes when people have a lot of nice things they need security.

Presley said to me, I bet you wish we had that house. I hesitated, and then began to explain how I feel. I don't wish that was my house. I am in a place in my life where I can in all honesty say I am completely happy with what I have. We have a house that while it may be overflowing with our endless amounts of junk, is also overflowing with love.

I told the kids that I have everything I could ask for, a husband and best friend who loves and respects me and four children who I love so much. My four-year-old daughter Elliot replied, "And your four kids love you so much." I wish there was a way to put the amazing way my heart filled when she said that. Someday, when they are parents, they will understand.

I don't spend my life pining for the material things some think will make thier lives complete. My life is complete at this very moment, and I believe it will only become more fulfilling to me as my family continues to grow in our love and appreciation of one another.

My happy thought for the day!

"Right now at this very moment we have a mind, which is all the basic equipment we need to achieve complete happiness."
-Howard Cutler

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