Monday, August 24, 2009

Softscrub and Blind Faith

I was cleaning the kitchen yesterday and was in awe of how easily Softscrub was taking up the coffee stains and the fruit punch Kool-aid marks. (yes, I give my children Kool-aid, let the lashing begin) I couldn't help but think what it would be like to have Softscrub for our lives.

Imagine it, a simple answer that lifts our problems up and leaves it all smelling squeeky clean. I'm Catholic and believe in letting go and letting God, but I admit I'm not good at it. I have a hard time letting go of my anxiety and doing away with that sick feeling that has set up camp in my gut. Basically I don't mean the way God lifts up our problems, I mean goodbye, gone, you're on a rag in the washing machine kind of lifting up. Ya follow?

The reality is, even if we trust in God to carry us through our hard times, that doesn't mean we don't have to face them. We can't magically make everything okay. We can't take away a child's cancer, we can't mend a friend's broken heart, we can't offer financial security to a relative in the unemployment line. I guess all we can do is have that faith that God is with us as we face our problems, and look for Him in the faces of the people we love.

That is one of the great gifts we have in life, the blessing of friends and family. The hugs and encouragement, the kind words and prayers sent up to Heaven. I guess that is the silver linign in so many of life's problems, the realization of the people in our lives who will be there for us rain or shine. I have been blessed with so many of these people, and a day doesn't go by that I don't remember how lucky I am to have them.

Here's your positive thought for the day!

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown

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