Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Knock at the Door

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and I guess a lot of people might be expecting a "what I am thankful for" sort of post. I hate to disappoint, but that isn't exactly where I foresee this going. Not that I am not thankful for the many blessings in my life. I am extremely grateful, but that is something I celebrate every day...not just in November.

I wish life was full of only good things, good times and good people. The reality is the world is full of a lot of crappy stuff too. Sometimes it seems like the crap is more powerful than those blessings, and that is when we really need to reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives. It can be so easy to lose sight of the good when the bad is banging down the door.

Right now, there are some pretty loud knocks in my entrance way, and I'm working very hard to keep that negativity out. It isn't always as simple as dead bolting the lock, though. Sometimes we need everybody we love to come and stand against that door. Sometimes it takes everybody we have in our corner working together to stop the bad stuff from over running our lives.

I don't really have a whole lot more to add right now. Sometime having TOO much on your mind and heart makes it hard to say anything at all. Just never lose sight of the people who are in your corner, never lose sight of who will stand against that door with you. In the end, it is only the people in our lives who truly matter.

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