Thursday, September 24, 2009

Elementary Open House

John, this one is for you!

Tuesday night was open house at our oldest daughter's school. She was so excited to show us her classroom, school work and for us to meet all of her new friends. The reality was we went to her class and then went to the cafetorium for cookies, at which time she met up with her friends and all interaction with us came to a screeching halt!

Ironically, I saw more that night than me or my daughter anticipated, and it had very little to do with her classroom.

My husband and I moved to this community three short years ago. When we moved here we only knew one family, and even that one we were still just getting to know. As I walked around the school it seemed I knew somebody at every turn. Not only did I know people, but A LOT of these people have become friends. These are people who in such a short time have come to care about our family and have built relationships with my children.

What an amazing gift it is to have these people in my life. You don't realize when you first meet a person how they will play a role in your life. Our daughter's baseball coach, her teacher from last year, fellow parents who I've connected with...all these people who have come into our life by chance, but whom we've become friends with by choice. It is an amazing thing. It is truly a blessing.

It is a special thing to know you have people looking out for your child and who care. I don't mean to downplay my family and the extended family I have in my close circle of friends. I am ALWAYS grateful for what they bring to my life. I'm talking about the support system we may not always realize is there, It is something I don't take for granted. Take some time today to think about the great, unexpected friends in your life, and then thank God for these blessings. They really are a gift He has given us.

A thought for the day:

"It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard, impossible is not a word. It’s just a reason for someone not to try" - Kutless, What Faith Can Do

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