Monday, September 28, 2009

Remembering Our Blessings

It was without a doubt a fall morning in Pittsburgh. The sky was gray, there were off and on showers, and thousands of people were anxiously awaiting the start of the Great Race. The Great Race is a 10k, or 6.2 mile run through Pittsburgh, and is one of Pittsburgh great traditions. On top of a Pittsburgh tradition, it is a family tradition. I ran my first Great race with my dad when I was 6-years-old, and yesterday my 6-year-old daughter ran it with my dad and I.

The plan was for her to run as much as she could and we would walk when she needed. Was I surprised when that walk break never came. I was so proud of her and knew how blessed I was to be sharing that moment not just with my daughter, but with my father, too.

Not that I shouldn't be proud of her, but last night I had a bit of a reminder that I shouldn't just be proud, I should be grateful for what a gift it is that she was able to be there with me. Yesterday a spaghetti dinner was held to raise money for a local family who is going through something nobody should have to face. Both of their sons, ages 5 and 2, have a rare genetic disorder called Late Infantile Batten Disease. This disease robs children of their physical abilities as well as their vision and causes heartbreaking debilitation. Life expectancy can be anywhere from 8-12 years of age.

My husband used to play baseball with their father, Chris. When the dads would play ball, our oldest daughter would run around and play with their older son, Drew. Drew can no longer walk. I know it sounds silly, but I felt guilty yesterday knowing that Presley had run the Great Race and here was this BEAUTIFUL little boy in a wheel chair. It doesn't make much sense. Their younger son hasn't started showing symptoms yet, but the tests indicated that eventually he will.

I've said this in the past, and I hope you guys will take this with you today. When you look at your child, or niece, or nephew or whatever special child is in your life, don't ask WHY you are so blessed, ask how you can help people who may be facing challenges with their own children. If you can help financially, great. If you help by adding this family to your prayers at dinner time or bedtime, great. Here is a link to the website. Please take some time to read about this family and the challenging road that lays ahead of them.

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